Achieving freedom for staff and power for patrons
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Designed to seamlessly integrate with any library environment, rfidGATE WAVE delivers excellent item detection.

rfidGATE WAVE gates detect multiple tags in any orientation. With various installation options and multiple-aisle configurations available (up to seven pedestals with 43" between each pedestal base ) rfidGATE WAVE is capable of covering over 30 feet of entryway.

These high-performance security gates interface with our web-based management application—baseCAMP—to empower your staff with people counts, alarm monitoring, and item alarm reports (including ILS data).

Counting In & Out

Never miss a patron count.  Get greater insight into the  flow of your patrons with bi-directional, radar-based people counting and reporting.

Energy Efficient

Detection when you need it. rfidGATE EXCELLENCE automatically activates when patrons are approaching, cutting down on your monthly energy costs.

Web-Based Management

Peace of mind from any PC or tablet with access to the library network.  Remotely monitor, configure, and manage all security gates and statistical reports from a central web-based interface.


Specially designed for high traffic areas, rfidGATE EXCELLENCE sets a new standard for the protection of your library items.

rfidGATE EXCELLENCE gates detect multiple tags in any orientation—even at a wider distance between pedestals. With various installation options and multiple-aisle configurations available (up to four pedestals with 59" between each pedestal base) rfidGATE EXCELLENCE provides easy access for large groups, strollers, wheel-chairs, and deliveries.

These high-performance security gates interface with our web-based management application—baseCAMP—to empower your staff with people counts, alarm monitoring (including ILS data), and statistical reports.

Extended Width

rfidGATE EXCELLENCE delivers additional coverage area for better protection of your library materials over a wider aisle. Deploy rfidGATE EXCELLENCE pedestals with up to 59"  between each pedestal base.

Counting In & Out

Never miss a patron count.  Get greater insight into the  flow of your patrons with bi-directional, radar-based people counting and reporting.

Energy Efficient

Detection when you need it. rfidGATE EXCELLENCE automatically activates when patrons are approaching, cutting down on your monthly energy costs.

Web-Based Management

Peace of mind from any PC or tablet with access to the library network.  Remotely monitor, configure, and manage all security gates and statistical reports from a central web-based interface.

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