Success Stories
Automated Material Handling
Security Gates
Staff Workstation
Holds Pickup Lockers
Central Management Portal
Shelf Management Wand
RFID Tags & Tagging
- Automated Material Handling
- Security Gates
- Self Checkout
- Staff Workstation
- Holds Pickup Lockers
- Central Management Portal
- Shelf Management Wand
- RFID Tags & Tagging
Success Stories
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Tech Logic Blog
Collaborating with libraries to do, learn, and share new things
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RFID Tagging for Libraries: Sample RFID Tagging Checklist
Here's a high-level overview of what you should think about before, during, and after your library's RFID conversion.
RFID Tagging for Libraries: Project Management Questions
“Do It Yourself” or outsource an RFID tagging project? This is one of many considerations when it comes to RFID conversion at your library.
RFID Tagging for Libraries: RFID Tag Types, Programming, and Placement
Exploring the basics of tag types, programming processes, and placement within items.
Bentonville Public Library Unveils their "Bookie Monster" AMH System
We’re so happy that we could partner with Bentonville Public Library by providing a nine-bin totalAMH that increases their efficiency, peace of mind, and community engagement.
Inventory with LS2 for Schools and RFID
The benefits of RFID have paid off for RCSD in saved staff time, accurate inventories and streamlined collection management.
baseCAMP Earns Platinum Ratings for Modern Library Awards 2025
Thank you, baseCAMP users, for your MLA platinum-level ratings—two years in a row!
RFID for Special Libraries: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation’s John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library
Special collections need special consideration—especially when implementing RFID.
TLCU 2024 Recap
Tech Logic hosted eight unique sessions during TLCU and loved the excellent feedback and insights we received from those in attendance.
Team Member Spotlight: Jon Kaplan
As a Solution Specialist, Jon works with libraries to determine which products most fit their needs.
5 Things You Should Know About Tech Logic
Here are some great facts about Tech Logic.
Team Member Spotlight: Tim Lawson
As a Tech Logic Senior Solution Specialist, Tim's goal is to improve the daily lives of library staff and patrons.
ALA 2024: An AMAZING Time in San Diego
We want to thank everyone who helped make the ALA 2024 conference an AMAZING experience for staff and attendees alike. From a vibrant show floor to a hoppin' 1920s reception on Saturday night, we couldn't have asked for a better weekend!
RFID for Academic Libraries—Success Story
While most academic libraries haven’t yet adopted RFID (radio frequency identification) for their collections, those academic libraries that have cite the benefits in fast and ergonomic collection management to support curriculum requirements.
Join Tech Logic at TLCU 2024!
Join Tech Logic at TLCU 2024!
2024 ALA Annual Conference
See you in San Diego! Join us at booth #923 and make sure to stop by our 1920s-themed party on Saturday night!
Team Member Spotlight: Tim Granquist
A member of the Tech Logic family since 2016—and recently promoted to Chief Operations Officer—Tim brings his passion for library-centered products and his vision for efficient workflows into his role.
Team Member Spotlight: Al David
A member of the Tech Logic family since 2013—and recently promoted to Director of Product Management—Al David knows our products and has a vision for teamwork.
Leadership Promotions Within Tech Logic
Tech Logic is thrilled to announce the promotion of Tim Granquist to the role of Chief Operating Officer! Al David will fill Tim's former role as Director of Product Management. Congratulations to both!
RFID for School Libraries—Benefits, Funding, Next Steps
With the cost of RFID tags decreasing to around 10 cents per tag, the benefits of RFID are more attainable for school libraries.
Cheers to 50 Years–Celebrating TLC
Cheers to 50 Years! Celebrating our parent company's success and longevity.
Yavapai Library Network supporting 59 member libraries through baseCAMP
The Yavapai Library Network's technology team, and the 59 libraries they support, have become baseCAMP “power users."
baseCAMP Earns Platinum Ratings for Modern Library Awards 2024
Thank you, customers, for baseCAMP's platinum-level ratings! baseCAMP is bringing Tech Logic's products together into one web-based management portal—and it's included free of charge for Tech Logic customers!
What is RFID and how does it benefit libraries?
Have you considered RFID for your library?
Webinar: RFID for School and Public Libraries
Join panelists from Rochester City School District (NY) and The Community Library (ID) as they discuss why RFID is worth the cost of conversion for both school libraries and public libraries.
What to consider as you assess your library's "risk of loss" tolerance?
Gretchen Freeman provides insight into assessing your library's "risk of loss" tolerance
Why not change statuses automatically with staffCIRC TRAK?
With Tech Logic’s staffCIRC TRAK, libraries using RFID can scan their shelves to locate any and all items in exception statuses.
Rochester (NY) City School District Pioneers RFID in the School Library Setting
School libraries across Rochester (NY) City School District completed their RFID conversions in late summer of 2023, and began to reap the benefits through fast, easy inventory. Before RFID, inventory took several full workdays at each school library; with RFID, it takes a few hours.
New Protective Case for staffCIRC TRAK
Our heavy-duty case is included with each new staffCIRC TRAK purchase
10 Ways to Improve Results: Shelf Management
Collection inventory may seem daunting, but libraries can achieve better results with a handheld shelf management wand. Tech Logic's Principal Librarian/Strategist, Gretchen Freeman, provides ten ways to improve the accuracy of the online catalog through shelf management.
10 Ways to Improve Results: Self-Checkout
How can we increase adoption of self-checkout above 90% and what happens when we do? Our Principal Librarian and Strategist, Gretchen Freeman, provides 10 ways to improve results.
Winter Park Library Receives People First Award
Tech Logic presented Winter Park Library with our People First Award in order to recognize the library's extraordinary developments and community benefits.
Winter Park Library: A People First Library
Tech Logic is thrilled to present our People First award to Winter Park Library, in recognition of the library’s extraordinary action for the benefit of their community.
10 Ways Your totalAMH Exceptions Bin Works Perfectly
Your exceptions bin can be the hardest working bin on your totalAMH. Our Principal Librarian and Strategist, Gretchen Freeman, provides 10 great examples.
10 Ways to Improve Results: Library Circulation Processes
What are some of the circulation processes that might be costing more time and effort than they should? Our Principal Librarian and Strategist, Gretchen Freeman, provides 10 ways to improve results.
Team Member Spotlight: Joel Neppl
Tech Logic customers describe Joel Neppl, our Customer Care Manager, as timely, courteous, professional, patient, knowledgeable, and dedicated.
Success Story: Round Rock Public Library (TX)
On the opening weekend for RRPL's new facility, over 10,000 patrons came to the library. Also during opening weekend, the public returned over 8,500 library items, and library staff issued over 380 library cards.
ALA 2023: Thanks for a GREAT Show!
The TLC and Tech Logic teams came together for an awesome show at the American Library Association's 2023 conference in Chicago. We connected with over 400 attendees. Thank you, ALA!
Salt Lake County Library Receives People First Award
This past May, Tech Logic presented Salt Lake County Library with our People First Award in order to recognize the library's extraordinary developments and community benefits.
Salt Lake County: A People First Library
Salt Lake County’s new facilities embody a commitment—shared by modern libraries around the world—to serve residents as relevant, people-first community centers.
totalAMH Delivers for Patrons and Staff at Smith Library (Wylie, TX)
After Tech Logic's totalAMH replaced another vendor’s outdated system, service and efficiency improved dramatically at Rita & Truett Smith Library Wylie, Texas.
Team Member Spotlight: Tom Loy
As Tech Logic's Senior Solutions Specialist on the East Coast, Tom Loy brings over 35 years of experience working with libraries across North America.
totalAMH System Cuts Lead Times at Central Library Sorting Facility
This 64-bin totalAMH system replaced a manual workflow and transformed the staff and patron experience.
Team Member Spotlight: Gretchen Freeman
As our Principal Librarian/Strategist, Gretchen Freeman provides Tech Logic with the kinds of insights that only a librarian can bring.
Team Member Spotlight: Mike Heitzman
Mike brings a wealth of experience and insight to the Tech Logic team, having worked directly with libraries and publishing companies around the world since 2001.
Henderson County Library (NC) achieves 100% self-checkout adoption
An LSTA grant award supported Henderson County (NC) Library’s RFID conversion, which paid off in powerful efficiencies throughout the library.
Introducing baseCAMP—Tech Logic's Central Management Portal
baseCAMP is free of charge for our customers and will empower your staff with central web-based management for Tech Logic solutions.
totalAMH drives convenience for Johnson County (KS) Lenexa
During the COVID-19 building closure, Johnson County Lenexa's drive-up window dispensed more than 18,000 holds in one month.
staffCIRC TRAK finds thousands of missing items for Sarasota County Libraries
At Sarasota County Libraries, staff members call staffCIRC TRAK their "magic wand."
Library Architects and Planners—Let's Talk!
Pre-design is the perfect time to talk about library technology. Please reach out to us—we'd love to connect with you—and feel free to download our Architect's Kit.
Sarasota County Libraries (FL) achieves streamlined data through baseCAMP
Serving a population of over 430,000 and circulating over 3,000,000 items annually, Sarasota County Libraries (FL) knows the importance of efficient workflows and reliable data.
Five ways that RFID works for libraries
How can RFID technologies benefit libraries? Here are some examples.
What is RFID?
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) brings substantial cost and labor savings to the library workflow.
Success Stories
Automated Material Handling
Central Management Portal
RFID Tags and Tagging
RFID Security Gates
Staff Workstation
Shelf Management
Holds Pickup Locker
Self Check
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