RFID Tags & Tagging
The first step to successful RFID conversion is choosing tags that deliver fast, reliable performance. Your tags are the key to faster transactions, better shelf management, and improved item security using RFID capabilities.
Tech Logic has worked with hundreds of libraries to complete RFID conversions. Our rfidTAG designs exceed industry standards with high-quality materials available in formats for all types of library items. Guaranteed for the entire lifecycle of the item to which each tag is affixed, rfidTAG sets the standard for RFID tag quality and performance.
Library Standard
13.56 MHz frequency labels are fully aligned with ISO/IEC 15693, 18000-3, and 28560 — the standard for RIFD tags used by all types of libraries.
Multiple Formats
rfidTAGs are available for printed materials, AV cases, and individual discs. Tags are guaranteed for the life of the item to which they are affixed.
Customized Tags
rfidTAGs can be customized with library logos for ownership marking, barcode “buddy labels,” pre-encoding of tag data, and more.
Aluminum-etched antenna
Specialized substrate for various applications
Optional ISO 9706 paper, high gloss paper, clear PET, PP, or specialized label materials for specific applications
NXP ICODE SLIX SL2S2002 w/ 1024 bits memory/896 bits user memory
Usable in plain mode or 32-bit password protected
Usable in plain mode or 32-bit password protected
Thermal humidity test 168 hours under 85ºC (185ºF), 85% RH
Barcode (single or dual, for “buddy labels”)
Chip encoding with static or dynamic information
RACETRACK tags are rectangular in shape for enhanced detectability. These are our recommended tags for reliability and detection. The first step to successful RFID conversion is choosing tags that deliver fast, reliable performance. Every tag sold by Tech Logic is guaranteed for the entire lifecycle of the item to which it is affixed.
BOOKLITE tags are our most economical offering, while remaining reliable when it comes to detectability and longevity. Every tag sold by Tech Logic is guaranteed for the entire lifecycle of the item to which it is affixed.
X-RANGE tags are high-performing AV/Overlay Tags for CDs and DVDs. We recommend these tags because of their high detectability.
Tech Logic has worked with hundreds of libraries to complete RFID conversions, and so we are confident that our rfidTAG units exceed industry standards. Every tag sold by Tech Logic is guaranteed for the entire lifecycle of the item to which it is affixed.
Using the same RFID read/write software found in our staffCIRC PRO workstation, the rfidTAG CASE conversion system empowers staff and community volunteers to with an exceptionally simple workflow that requires no ILS connection. Simply place the RFID tag onto the antenna, scan the item’s barcode, and apply the tag to the item.
When a library decides to conduct its own RFID conversion, our most common recommendation is that the library rent the rfidTAG CASE temporarily (typically for about three months) to streamline the project.
Portable and Secure
The entire rfidTAG CASE system is secured in a hard-sided aluminum case with handles for easy transport.
Watching for Weeds
Staff can upload weed lists to the software so that, if an item that is listed for weeding is scanned, the rfidTAG CASE will alert the user without programming the RFID tag.
Extra Batteries
With 4-6 hours of standard run time, rfidTAG CASE also offers an additional external battery—delivering up to 4 additional hours before recharge.
For more than 25 years, Tech Logic has been working exclusively with libraries to implement RFID technologies, and our rfidTAG TEAM can implement your RFID conversion from start to finish. We’ll make sure conversion is completed on-time, on-budget, and in-sync with other project elements.
Project Planning
Tech Logic will provide a project manager who works with you to establish and maintain a thorough project plan for the entire conversion.
Localized Staffing
Tech Logic works with a number of organizations across the country to source, train, and manage a conversion staff that is local to your library.
Guaranteed Result
With quality control checks during the entire conversion, Tech Logic ensures every item will be tagged correctly before the job is complete.
What’s included?
Tech Logic will make sure RFID conversion is completed on-time, on-budget, and in-sync with other project elements. We will provide technicians and a project manager on-site for a completion timeline that corresponds with project scope. All conversion equipment (except the tags themselves), project and personnel management, quality control, and shipping are covered in the quoted price.
Will it impact library operations?
Tagging the shelved collection should not impact patrons’ use of the library. The mobile conversion stations are no more intrusive than a staff member pushing a book truck around the stacks to re-shelve items. Tech Logic can coordinate tagging after hours or during library open hours. Most customers choose to have us complete tagging during open library hours, for cost effectiveness. If completed after hours, the library will only need to provide any desired library security or oversight for our staff working in closed buildings. Behind the scenes, the library should anticipate having a staff member to coordinate with the tagging team about processes and handle any questions that may arise. The library will also need to coordinate with the tagging team to handle returned materials before they are re-shelved.
What’s the process?
Technicians simply place the RFID tag onto the antenna, scan the item’s barcode, and apply the tag to the item. If the library desires, we can use a library-supplied weed list to identify and isolate candidates for weeding while we tag. To calculate an estimate for the length of time to tag a location, we plan for each person (or pair) to tag 300-400 items per hour for books and 100 items per hour for CDs and DVDs using full-overlay AV tags. These figures, as well as library goals and timeline parameters, determine the size of the tagging team. In addition, 80% of a library collection is typically on the shelves at any given time; 20% is in circulation to be tagged on return. All new materials should be tagged during processing.
What about our other RFID equipment?
Until the tagging process is completed at a given location, that library should continue to operate as it currently does—using barcode technology to check out items. Once the tagging conversion is complete, the RFID system (self-checkout, gates, staff stations, shelf management scanning) at that location can go live.